A Stealthy Situation by Saxon James

“You’re cute when you’re angry.”

“Call me cute again, asshole.”

Harrison laughs. “And you’re adorable when you’re stabby.”

Bennett and Emmett Dalton are all grown up now! They’re juniors in college and still up to their twin shenanigans, like taking classes for one another. Their only rule is that they don’t make friends while in class as the other person. The plan has worked seamlessly over the years until Emmett gets sick and Bennett has to take his own class for once. That’s where he meets Harrison and they instantly hit it off, even if Bennett is bummed to learn Harrison is straight. The closer they get, though, the more Harrison questions how true that is. But he can’t shake the weirdness of how different Benny seems during class than when they hang out outside of class. When the truth of what Ben and Em have been doing comes to light, will Harrison be able to overcome the perceived deception?

A well-rounded Dalton? That Dalton being me?

Nah, sounds false.

I loved catching up with one of my favorite fictional families! It’s a little weird thinking of Ben and Em as actual adults instead of the little 9yr olds who loved to wreak havoc. It was good to see they’re still wreaking havoc though! Emmett had his own situation, which we’ll learn more about in his book later in the series, but together they’re still taking full advantage of the fact that no one can tell them apart. It was so entertaining seeing Benny and Harrison meet for the first time – well Benny thought it was the first time but to Harrison this was just the guy who he usually talked with in class. There were so many missed hints or close calls with Em. You’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And drop it does. I felt bad for everyone involved when the truth came out! It caused a bit of angst but it was good seeing them work to make things right.

“You’re so stabby and cute. Not going to lie, jealous Benny is a real turn-on.”

“Good, because I’m not used to dating, so I get the feeling he’s going to come out a lot.”

Twin swapping aside – Benny and Harrison were so darn cute together! I loved their friendship and their flirty banter and how Harrison started working out that maybe he wasn’t straight after all. They had great chemistry. Benny was a lot like Asher, all prickly on the outside but a total softy for the important people in his life. I loved how Harrison didn’t back down from Benny’s surliness. Harrison was fantastic! His passion for plants and his desire to make the world better – he was a total sweetheart. And it was fun watching him try and get Benny excited about plants!

Harrison is so damn incredible he makes me sick sometimes. Insults as a love language?

Marry me already.

I also thought the learning disability rep was well done. My heart went out to Benny as he struggled and didn’t know why. Harrison and Emmett were a great support system for him, though. After the truth about Benny being a twin came out, I loved seeing Harrison interacting with both of them. I’ve been excited to revisit the Daltons since these books were announced and I was not disappointed! Be sure to get the bonus scene too, it’s packed with Dalton family goodness.

“You’re schmoopy?”

“It’s a sickness. I’ll recover.”

“Cute you think I’ll let you.”

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