Knowing You by E.M. Lindsey

This job was either going to be the best thing that ever happened to him or the worst. But he was oddly looking forward to finding out which one.

Lane Ashbury’s life is falling apart, his marriage is basically over, his business is close to going under, and his toddler is busy stealing anything she can get her sticky little fingers on. Including the prosthetic leg of his new neighbor, Bowen Galanos. Fortunately, Bowen is kind and understanding and has experience being a nanny. He offers to help Lane by becoming a nanny for Lane’s young daughter so Lane can focus on the other aspects of his life that need attention. The two grow quite close and when Bowen offers some no-strings fun to help Lane figure out if he’s not quite as straight as he once thought, Lane can’t say no. There’s no way he’ll end up falling for Bowen, and even if he did, there’s no way Bowen would want a disaster like Lane anyway, right?

“Like I said, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me now.”

Those words felt like a promise Lane wasn’t ready to hear, but it was damn sure one he was willing to hold Bowen to.

This book had the most unique meet cute that I can ever remember reading. Little Briar coming back to her dad with a prosthetic leg in her grasp was quite a way to kick things off! Poor Lane had his work cut out for him with that kid. She was adorable but quite the menace. Bowen was so great, though, and I loved seeing him deal with Briar too. He was very good with her even if she tested him regularly too! Lane and Bowen bonded over taking care of Briar, it was sweet.

He didn’t need to be someone’s forever. He just wanted to know he mattered.

I thought that Lane’s weariness was so well done. He was so lonely and beaten down when we first met him, the weariness was palpable. When Bowen started showing him kindness and attention, he soaked it up like a sponge because he had been denied it for so long. Bowen was the type of person who loved to be needed so having Briar and Lane both taking that from him made him feel useful. Which was important to him after his bad breakup and the awful accident that took his leg. I liked how Bowen’s disability was handled, it wasn’t glossed over, and the challenges he faced were realistic and added a layer of vulnerability to his character. Lane was amazing toward Bowen when it came to his disability. They were both so good for the other and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them fall in love and create a new little family together.

“I didn’t think you could.”

“Could what?” Bowen pressed.

Lane closed his eyes. “Fall for a disaster like me.”

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