Rookie Recovery by Lex Veia & Jemma Croft

How was it possible to want to grab someone by the scruff of the neck and hurl them bodily from the room—and kiss them at the same time? I should not want the latter.

Jamie Sullivan had his pro hockey career ripped from him ten years ago thanks to injury. Despite the pain hockey has caused him, he’s spent the last few years at the PT for the Bringham Bobcats. However, as soon as he earns his business degree he’ll be able to open his own practice and finally leave hockey behind. The Bobcats’ newest star, Archie Bowman, comes across as cocky and trouble and Jamie has no desire to get mixed up with him. But when Archie needs to rehab an old shoulder injury and Jamie is put in charge of his care, Jamie soon discovers that Archie’s cocky persona is mostly an act and beneath that is a man who just wants someplace to belong.

Under all that swagger and conceit was … what? Underconfidence? Fear? If Bowie was a mask, who was lurking beneath?

The cover first drew me to this story, that artwork is beautiful! But inside was a sweet and funny story that I enjoyed. I’m a fan of grumpy/sunshine and loved that aspect of this one. Jamie was very uptight and closed off at first and Archie was the opposite. Archie was very persistent and incredibly flirty with Jamie, eventually wearing him down. They were sweet together when they finally got together (this was certainly a slow burn). I liked how Archie got Jamie to lighten up and rediscover some of the things he used to love and how Jamie helped Archie realize that he was valued by the team and that he belonged with the Bobcats. Given the nature of their professional relationship, some angst materializes toward the end but it’s not too bad.

Jamie had done that. Without even realising. He made me believe in myself off the ice. Made me feel like off the ice, I was a person worth getting to know.

There were some pretty funny moments, thanks to the British vs American humor. The way Archie can’t get over how big/indulgent everything in America is compared to back home was a good running joke throughout. I also liked the whole team, we met a lot of Archie’s teammates, some of who will feature in future stories. And they were a fun group. I liked how there were openly gay pro hockey players in this world and no one batted an eye. Certainly an idealistic world but it was refreshing nonetheless. I look forward to returning to this world in the future books!

“Fuck, Bowie, you drive me so wild. I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time I’m around you.”

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