Resisting You by E.M. Lindsey

“I like how you respond to me,” Renato murmured. “I like how obvious it is that you want it—that you hate it’s me, but you can’t get enough.”

Single dad, Frey’s primary focus has always been his son. Which is why he can’t afford to lose his job as a nurse at the local hospital. But one of the surgeons, Dr. Renato Agosti, doesn’t make it easy for Frey to want to stay. He’s arrogant and often a jerk and Frey can’t resist pranking him any chance he gets. But after a particularly bad dad, Renato corners Frey and confronts him about the pranks and the sparks fly. Neither man is looking for something complicated but the more time they steal together, the harder it is to keep resisting.

“You’re beautiful and maybe a little terrible, but you’re also good.”

This book was so good! I had been looking forward to reading Frey’s story since meeting him in Knowing You. His hatred toward Renato was well documented in that book and I was excited to see how they’d end up together. What I loved about this book was how much it surprised me. Neither character was what I expected based on what I knew of them in the last book, but unexpected in a good way. They both had a lot of emotional damage thanks to their past relationships and I think, once they took the time to look past the surface, their broken pieces were drawn to each other’s.

They were so sweet together once they let their guards down but they still got a bit of that antagonistic edge, which I loved and made for a very hot dynamic when it came to the spice. This story tugged at my heartstrings a lot. Both men were so lonely and greatly misunderstood, I loved seeing them find love again when they never thought they would.

“There’s only one man for me, and God only knows why I want him, but I do.”

“Tell me it’s me,” Frey begged, like he needed to hear it.

“It’s you. It’s only you.”

One of the things I’ve loved about this series is how authentic the single-parent aspect felt. Frey was an incredible father to Rex, but he struggled and wasn’t always perfect. But he tried and he loved his son more than anything. Seeing Renato come into the fold and how kind he was toward Rex warmed my heart. I also loved seeing the rest of the single-dad club. They are such a loving and supportive group of friends and I’m already looking forward to the next installment!

“I see you. From the moment you started working with me, I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you.”

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