Employing Patience by Saxon James

I already know that Joey is going to test me.

My patience, my sanity, my restraint.

I’m a dead man.

We’ve been teased with Art and Joey’s pairing in all the prior DMC books. Whenever the guys were at Killer Brew, Joey would be flirting with Art and the DMC guys would be wondering when those two would finally get together. Especially given the fact that Art has a reputation for offering it up to pretty much any guy. But despite how flirty Joey always is, he is adamant he’s straight. Something about just being a game to Joey doesn’t sit right with Art so he’s refrained from going there with him, despite being very attracted to the man.

The thing is, Joey may say he’s straight but he’s actually not sure. He’s felt attraction toward men in the past but it’s always been fleeting and he’s never acted on it. But no matter how he tries, he can’t get past his infatuation with his boss. He loves the chase and getting under his skin. Now he’s just got to convince Art to act on the clear desire but he’s got to tread carefully because he definitely cannot afford to lose his job at Art’s bar.

I desperately want to cling to the guy I am.

like that guy.

But … I’m starting to worry that I like Joey more.

Joey’s character surprised me as we got to know him. In the prior books, he seemed like a carefree guy and a shameless flirt. The shameless flirt part was accurate, he was anything but carefree, though. I was surprised to learn all he carried on his shoulders. He was a hard worker and a fighter. I really respected him.

As for Art, he may be known for getting around but it’s been clear throughout the entire series that he has a huge heart and loves to help people. He may have been conflicted about starting anything with Joey but he was never conflicted about helping when he learns of Joey’s situation. It was very sweet and also super sweet seeing Art with his niece and nephew, he was a wonderful uncle.

There was a lot of push and pull in the early parts of the book, lots of flirting and almost going there but when they finally did, they had such great chemistry! They both had a bit of a possessive side and it was very sexy when that came out to play. The epilogue was equal parts hilarious and heartwarming.

The group chats in this one were some of my favorites in the series. They were so funny and even gasp-worthy at one part. I love this group of guys so much and it’s been so fun seeing them fall in love!

“You’re a real problem.”

“If you thought I was going to be anything less than trouble when you met me, you’re not a good judge of character.”

“And that’s exactly what got my attention in the first place.”

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